Announcements: News and announcements appear here. This project culminated in the 2013B release. Completion date and link to release to be added. Project Page TabsSummary & MeetingsSummary: The Reviewer Information Project is focused on gathering travelers' experience and incorporating their reviews of the hotels where they have stayed into enhanced HotelDescriptiveContent and other hotel or generic messages. OpenTravel member Amadeus proposed bringing user generated content into the OpenTravel schema by gathering advice regarding different aspects of the hotel where travelers have stayed. The Review consists of a questionnaire filled out by a traveler and Amadeus would like to be able to communicate the reviews through the hotel descriptive content messages. Meetings: The OpenTravel Reviewer Information Project team meets every Tuesdayfrom 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM US/Eastern, Webex.Owner: Hospitality WorkgroupTravel Sector: Hotel Proposal & HistoryProject Start Date: Wednesday, September 19, 2012Target Completion Date: Monday, April 1, 2013Project Close Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2014Proposal Abstract: The proposed pairs of messages OTA_HotelDescriptiveContentNotifRQ/RS and OTA_HotelDescriptiveInfoRQ/RS would support notifying a system of changes (adding, deleting, updating a review) and retrieving reviews. Additionally, this project will lead to enhanced OpenTravel data dictionary and OpenTravel code lists with new hotel and other message supporting information. Project Status: Closed ArtifactsFile Collection: