Welcome to the ODN!
The OpenTravel Developers Network is a free resource for all implementers of the OpenTravel specification. From here everyone can:
- Download OpenTravel publications
- Download publication artifacts
- Submit comments on specifications
- Access learning and support resources
- See OpenTravel calendars

OpenTravel’s flagship message-based schema product with a global implementation base that supports tens of thousands of messages daily across all travel segments.
OpenTravel is releasing its Model Designer which offers built-in extension points and substitutable data objects that support lighter-weight XML messages for robust web services.
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Have a Technical Question?
When you can’t find the resources you need in the Implementer Support section of this site, try searching the OpenTravel Forum. Check it frequently and help the implementer community by sharing your experiences and solution tips.
Business Functionality
Take a look at business functionality the OpenTravel specification covers across all travel industry segments. Yes, globally!