Announcements: The Hotel 2.0 Availability and Reservation Project Team is creating the objects, services and operations to support the search, availability and reservation functions. Project Page TabsSummary & MeetingsSummary: The purpose of this project is to create the objects, services and operations needed to search for hotel availability and book a hotel reservation. Draft objects created from the 1.0 OTA_HotelResRQ/RS and OTA_HotelAvailRQ/RS have been imported into the 2.0 sandbox as a starting point for this team to review. This team will enhance the 2.0 model by modifying and moving the appropriate draft objects into the appropriate libraries in the 2.0 repository and creating new objects as needed. This will benefit the OpenTravel community as this project will continue to expand the 2.0 model and create the functionality needed to both search for hotel availability and book a hotel reservation. Since there is overlap between reservation and availability we need closely manage the objects. Any company which sends or receives hotel reservation information may be interested in participating on the project team, especially those interested in implementing lightweight APIs as the team will be designing which elements and attributes belong in the summary versus the detail facets, which are key in lightweight implementations. Meetings: The 2.0 Hotel Availablity and Reservation Team meets from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT on Mondays.Owner: Hospitality WorkgroupTravel Sector: Hotel Proposal & HistoryProject Start Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2016Target Completion Date: Monday, July 31, 2017Proposal Abstract: The scope of this project includes the objects, services and operations required to create, read, update and delete hotel reservation and get hotel availability. The team will begin by reviewing the objects imported from the 1.0 schema, modifying them, and moving them into the appropriate 2.0 libraries. Once the objects are completed the operations will be created to get hotel availability and to create, read, update and delete a hotel reservation. Project Status: Active ArtifactsFile Collection: